Marlin World Offshore Film Crew (Strike Button Productions Ltd.)

USA (East Coast); (561) 459 5254
USA (West Coast); (949) 273 4708
AUSTRALIA; (02) 8003 5475
EUROPE; +351 919 996 665
SKYPE ID: marlinworld

Company Description

Marlin World Offshore Film Crew is responsible for much of the videographic content in the Marlin World online video magazine ( Apart from reporting on sportfishing news, the film crew is also available for videography projects for tournaments, charter operations, fishing tourism promotion and private charters.

About this video
This video clip gives a short overview of a recent trip (October 2007) by the Marlin World Offshore Film Crew to the La Guaira Bank, Venezuela. The film crew spent a week onboard 'El Dooblai', an Ocean 55 captained by Eric Anderson out of Carabadella marina, and were able to capture footage of blue marlin, sailfish and white marlin 'catch and release' action. Most of the 'blues' were up to 200lb with the occasional 300lb'er, the 'sails' and 'white' were of average size for the area. Sea conditions at times were unusually calm, however on one or two days fishing, large swells made the hour long journey back to port a little tricky. The full length DVD of the trip will be released later in 2008.

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